A PDE day at CAMS

This one-day workshop will be held within the framework of ReaDi, the ERC advanced grant program on

« Reaction-Diffusion Equations, Propagation and Modelling ». 

It will present recent research on elliptic and parabolic equations and reaction diffusion systems.




Comité scientifique 

Henri Berestycki (EHESS), Jean-Michel Roquejoffre (U. Toulouse III), Luca Rossi (CNRS, EHESS)



9h-9h30 : accueil des participants (pause café, salle 9)


9h30-10h15    Ogawa (Meiji U. Tokyo)

Drift bifurcation of traveling waves in a reaction-diffusion system with 3 competing species


pause-café, salle 9


10h45-11h30  Birindelli (Sapienza U. Roma)

Toward a Faber Krahn inequality for the truncated Laplacian and other surprising phenomena 


11h30-12h15  Brasseur (INRA)

Liouville type results for a nonlocal obstacle problem


Buffet, salle 9 


14h00-14h45  Valdinoci (U. Milano)

Nonlocal phase transitions, minimal surfaces and improvement of flatness results


14h45-15h30  Capuzzo-Dolcetta (Sapienza U. Roma)

Degenerate elliptic equations in unbounded domains


pause café, salle 9 


Pour toute information ultérieure veuillez contacter : francesca.aceto@ehess.fr



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